November 2, 2021

Don't Waste Time, Start Now

Hayley Rolfe

Ardea Waste

On this episode of Weird Growth, we discuss the War on Waste, Commercial Waste, The Blue Chilli Accelerator and why it's important just to start and back yourself.

From a Startup Weekend came Ardea Waste. Ardea provides online waste management to businesses across Australia. On this episode of Weird Growth, we discuss the War on Waste, Commercial Waste, The Blue Chilli Accelerator and why it's important just to start and back yourself.


Sustainable waste management



Making sustainable waste management easy for business


All businesses


(0:00) – Introduction

(3:26) The War on Waste: Galvanising the nation to address the massive waste problem

(7:17) - How Ardea Waste is reassuring businesses of their waste disposal compliance and applying a sustainability filter to waste disposal facilities

(8:53) – The catalyst that drove Hayley to start Ardea Waste: Making it easier for people to comply with regulations

(9:55) – The beginnings of Ardea Waste at Start-up weekend and The Blue Chilli Accelerator, and finding a co-founder along the way

(12:43) – What drove Hayley to join Start-up weekend: Validating her problem

(15:00) – Ardea’s accelerator journey and building a viable business

(17:15) – Building a sales pipeline for Ardea: Targeting SME manufacturers

(21:24) – How Ardea can educate customers to understand the need for their solution: Content marketing and lead magnets

(27:14) – Using remarketing to encourage customers to take the first step: The rule of 7-time repetition

(29:17) – How Ardea goes above and beyond to add value to customers

(32:36) – Ardea’s plan for scaling: Using Perth as a pilot to test the model

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