April 8, 2024

Brainwaves to databases

Iain McIntyre


On this episode we have a returning guest, Iain McIntyre, who has journeyed from the realm of neuroscience with Humm to the forefront of AI innovation at MindsDB in San Francisco. Iain's story encapsulates the highs and lows of entrepreneurship and the constant pursuit of ground-breaking solutions to complex challenges.


Software developers face a common hurdle which is the time-consuming and intricate process of integrating AI into their applications.


MindsDB with its open-source virtual database, automates the connection between data and AI models, enabling developers to deploy AI applications quicker and easier.

One big piece of advice:

You really need to look after yourself, if you know how to then you will go further. (Take time-off, see family and friends, talk to other founders)


  • (00:00) - Introduction
  • (03:50) - How Humm became a thing
  • (09:24) - Hardware is hard
  • (10:07) - The realisation Humm wasn’t going further
  • (13:00) - Living in a UFO landing pad during COVID
  • (14:13) - Helping people with anxiety
  • (17:31) - Progress made in brains science
  • (22:33) - Story of Iain's journey at MindsDB
  • (27:44) - Self driving cars
  • (29:44) - What it’s like living in San Francisco
  • (35:20) - Chat-GPT going live and society changes
  • (44:55) – What MindsDB is solving
  • (46:30) - One Big piece of advice
  • (48:38) - Show & tell

Show & tell



Roga Life
